Bar & Bat Mitzvah

Tailored and experiential Bar and Bat Mitzvah Prep

Your child's Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony should be much more than a nostalgic ritual. It should be an empowering moment.

Bar and Bat Mitzvah’s are a period of transition, where children take their first definitive steps toward the autonomy of adulthood. They begin to explore themselves and their world through a new set of lenses that are gifted to them at this point of their lives. But this period comes with its challenges. Supportive guidance is key.

Our Bar and Bat Mitzvah program is designed to arm your child with a value-framework that will empower them to safely explore their developing cognitive and emotional sides, unique abilities and navigate emerging challenges. Together with a private mentor and at their own pace, your child will explore our rich heritage and timeless traditions, and how to be a healthy teenager in the 21st century.

Dirah will work with families to craft a meaningful and unique Bar or Bat Mitzvah experience, as exceptional and multifaceted as the students themselves. We help students and their families design, prepare for, and realize a Bar or Bat Mitzvah experience that incorporates each student’s individuality.

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